Upcoming Classes


12 week, online class - Mondays, January 6 to March 24, 2025





SEPTEMBER 19 - 26, 2025




8 week, online class - Mondays, March 31 - May 19, 2025



Recent Paintings

“Summer Lane”

Another demo painting that turned out well.

This small work began as a study for a summer landscape painting class with a focus on shadows as compositional elements.

The entire foreground is the darkest area, as if in the summer shadows. In the end, the work ends up being another ode to the pleasant experience of summer.

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“Backlit Bouquet”

Not all demos go this well.

The painting is the final step in a watercolor lesson for the online Watercolor Masterclass.

The lesson is really about creating and starting with an abstracted picture plane and then conforming the subject to the composition. In the end, the painting turned out fresh and expressive along with being well composed.

It needed to be in a frame right away!

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Often inspiration comes from older pieces found in sketchbooks. That is the case for this painting which has its beginnings in an older pencil sketch of a rugged coastline and foamy, moving water.

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“A Little Sun”

A simple depiction of warmth to be found in weak winter light.

The compositional idea is also simple - contrasting, balancing and harmonizing a complex angular shape in an organic landscape.

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“Late Days”

August brings the vague sensation of the change of season through subtle signs in the a landscape.

This painting tries to represent that sensation with the changing light on the landscape and summer greens going a little 'weary'.

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“High Road”

A celebration of glorious summer - bright sun, deep shadows and summer haze.

Light and space abound despite the deep shadows covering most of the foreground.

As a compositional idea, the deep shadow are actually the element that lets us read the light and atmosphere so clearly.

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“Pink And Clay”

This painting was inspired by a small demonstration done during a recent watercolor painting workshop.

The demo was done to illustrate the idea of painting shapes not things and starting with an initial wash layer covering the entire shape.

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“Morning Still Life”

A collection of everyday things illuminated with sunlight through the window.

Painting still life objects is a great opportunity to brighten the palette with color hardly ever seen in the landscape. And to explore the effect of light and shadow on more saturated colors.

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Artist and Instructor Tony Conner

Tony Conner is a self-taught watermedia artist known for expressive en plein air landscapes and seascapes. 

No matter the subject, most of his work is done from direct observation, focusing on the quality and character of light and what it reveals about the subject.

His work is widely exhibited and appreciated for unique point of view and expressive handling of transparent watercolor in particular. 

He is a Signature Member of the New England and Vermont Watercolor Societies and an Artist Member of the North Shore Arts Association.

He is based and does most of his work in the inspiring landscape of southern Vermont. 

  • Tony’s path as a self-taught artist has followed apprenticeship to the unique disciplines of watercolor. His landscape and seascape paintings are recognized for their unique and expressive style. He produces both studio and “plein air” paintings which are mostly expressions of scenic coastlines and rural landscapes. Tony is a Signature Member of the New England Watercolor Society, an Artist Member of the Vermont Watercolor Society, and Artist Member of the North Shore Artists Association and New York’s venerable Salmagundi Club.

  • Nearly all of my work is done from direct observation. Whether it is a landscape, seascape, still life or figure model, it is my objective to identify the essential element that gives the subject its singular meaning.

    Each painting is an effort to reveal how a moment in time is reflected through the interaction of pattern, contrasts and the unique impressions of light, color and value.

    Times of transition are especially captivating to me, since distinct moments are revealed in subtle, yet unmistakable, contrasts.

    Watercolor is my main medium of choice. Applying watercolor to paper means the artist must relinquish control and, instead, engage in a conversation with the paint and its rhythmic fluidity.

  • SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS “Landscapes and Seascapes”, Great Bay Community College, Portsmouth, New Hampshire

    “The Vermont Landscape En Plein Air, Spotlight Gallery, Vermont Arts Council, Montpelier, Vermont

    “Landscape Observed and Interpreted”, Burgdorf Gallery, Southern Vermont College

    “Impressions of the Slate Valley”, Slate Valley Museum, Granville, New York


    New England Watercolor Society Signature Members Show, Boston, MA

    New England Watercolor Society Regional Juried and National Open Exhibitions

    Pittsburgh Watercolor Society Aqueous Open

    Rhode Island Watercolor Society National Watermedia Exhibtion

    Hudson Valley Art Association, Annual National Exhibition

    Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors

    Kansas Watercolor Society National Open Watercolor Exhibit


    Salmagundi Club Exhibition Of En Plein Air Paintings, 2nd Prize, 2022

    New England Watercolor Society Signature Members Show, Award Of Merit, 2022

    New England Watercolor Society Instructors Show, Award Of Merit, 2021

    Hudson Valley Plein Air Festival, 2nd Place, 2020

    North Shore Arts Award, New England Watercolor Society Signature Member Show 2020

    Jack Richeson & Co. Award, Salmagundi “Land & Sea Exhibition” 2020

    First Prize, New England Watercolor Society Regional Open 2019

    First Prize, Cape Ann Plein Air Quick Draw 2016

    Second Prize, Seneca Lake Plein Air Festival 2016

    First Prize, 2nd Annual Bucks County Plein Air Festival Quick Draw, 2013

    Honorable Mention, Vermont Watercolor Society Juried Exhibit 2013

    Louise Demeter Memorial Award for Excellence in Any Medium, North Shore Arts Association of Gloucester, Associates Exhibition, 2012

    First Prize, 4th Annual Billsboro Winery Plein Air Festival, 2011


    “In The Footsteps Of The Hudson River School”, Plein Air Magazine, May 2021

    “Learn From What Isn’t Working”, Plein Air Magazine, September 2015

    “From Business to Brushstroke”, Hill Country Observer, April 2015

    “Three Who Nurture The Arts”, Southern Vermont Arts & Living, Summer 2013

    Work included in “Watercolor Sketching, An Introduction”, by Paul Laseau, Norton & Company, 2012

    Included in “100 Artists of New England”, Schiffer Publishing, 2011


    Signature Member, New England Watercolor Society

    Signature Member, Vermont Watercolor Society

    Artist Member, Salmagundi Club, New York

    Artist Member, North Shore Arts Association, Gloucester, Massachusetts